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Star City A Zone One Bedroom Condo Room for Rent in Thanlyin!

SN: R4939  
(≧1 年賃貸)
6 Lakh Ks / 1ヶ月      (≒260 US$, 1US$≒2300Ks)
面積 625 ft2     (=58.0625 m2)
種類マンション 場所ヤンゴン市, Thanlyin
部屋 1 Bed room   1 Living room   1 Dining room   2 Wash room   1 Kitchen   

構造鉄筋コンクリート 階/建物階数6th 階 / 12 building stories
建造年数不明 内装きれい
家具家具フルー装備 エアコン2 台
エレベーターあり 固定電話なし
駐車場あり 利用可能日即日
説明This Star City Zone, a suitable place for those who like standard life is located near Thanlyin Bridge and it is 15 minute drive to Thilawa Industrial Zone and 25 minute drive to Yangon Downtown. Mostly foreigners are staying there and City Mart, KFC, YKKO, Japanese restaurant, Korean restaurant, coffee shops, international school, swimming pool and swimming access card, gymnasium, golf course, banks, children playground and relaxation areas are available at the same compound. It is also a good place for walking exercise and biking exercise and standard life for a family and electricity is 24 hour available.

This room is well-decorated and ready to move in. Bedrooms, living room are parquet flooring and kitchen and bathrooms are tiled flooring and walls. It is already provided full furniture as TV, TV stand, DVD player, Skynet, Internet, sofa settee, coffee table, air-conditioners, curtains, beds, mattresses, wardrobes, dressing table, dining table with four chairs, water heaters, showers, refrigerator, washing machine, hood, e.t.c.

If you want to know more information for this room or want to visit it or if you want to look for more suitable room for you or your family, just give a call to Sky Bridge Real Estate or email. We will also provide you preparing contract, negotiating with the owner if you need something more, helping you get Form C which is very important for a foreigner and helping for Stamp Duty.

交通You can get there by taking 31, 32, 34 YBS buses and Star City Bus, Star Ferry Ship.
  • ミャンマー不動産 - 賃貸物件 - No.4939 - Star City A Zone One Bedroom Condo Room for Rent in Thanlyin! - living room
  • ミャンマー不動産 - 賃貸物件 - No.4939 - Star City A Zone One Bedroom Condo Room for Rent in Thanlyin! - another view of living room
  • ミャンマー不動産 - 賃貸物件 - No.4939 - Star City A Zone One Bedroom Condo Room for Rent in Thanlyin! - bedroom
  • ミャンマー不動産 - 賃貸物件 - No.4939 - Star City A Zone One Bedroom Condo Room for Rent in Thanlyin! - dining area
  • ミャンマー不動産 - 賃貸物件 - No.4939 - Star City A Zone One Bedroom Condo Room for Rent in Thanlyin! - kitchen
  • ミャンマー不動産 - 賃貸物件 - No.4939 - Star City A Zone One Bedroom Condo Room for Rent in Thanlyin! - garden view


不動産業者 / オーナー情報


Sky Bridge Co., Ltd.

電話01-2303085, 01-2303086, 09687700300
住所No.237-239, China Town Condo 8F, Corner of 10th street and Anawrahta Road, Lanmadaw Township, Yangon
Myanmar rent a car

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